Hi! Welcome to the site I keep all my rubbish!
Here youll find all the stuff I wish to share with the world, for some reason.
I moved away from socials recently for
obvious reasons.
I obviously still have stuff I would like to share to others but mainly so I have a cool way of keeping note of what
I have done, show my progress with art and photography.
You'll mainly find uploads of my budding forage into ~*Art*~, photography stuff (mainly film, its fun!) and for some reason, a log of stuff I have done to my car.
There is no real method to my madness, I will upload on here when I please and do new things I wish to do,
because why not!
I just really love the idea of having my own site to store and experiment with things. I
absolutely love the creative freedom it allows people and really miss this era of the internet.
If you somehow found your way here, read this far, and are insane enough to be interested in what I do, THANK YOU!
The site still needs a LOT of work and my progress is slow but I am surely making this more what I want slowly but surely.